In this ages old multidimensional psycho spiritual as well as physical and all levels war we are in with the various Negative Alien Groups on planet Earth, where the war is being waged against the original heart based angelic humanity, the next level weapon they have been using against surface humans is : NANOTECHNOLOGY + VACCINATIONS. Neither of them are Divine, neither of them are Organic, Christic, Good or Well intentioned: both of these technologies are coming from the NAA ( Negative Alien Agenda, or the Anti-Christic forces, or, The Mysgognistic, Female, Heart, Soul, Divine Feminine Hater Negative Alien Patriarchy, that wants to rule, eat and destroy everything in its unfathomable psychosis)
For Further Reference on Nanotechnology, Ai, Transhumanism and Vaccinations , educate yourself more on the topics in the links below:
NanoTechnology: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nanotechnology + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nanotech_Biosensors + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Artificial_intelligence#Transhumanism
Transhumanism: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Transhumanism
Vaccination: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Public_Vaccination_Campaigns + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Neurotoxin + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Pandemic_Psychological_Operation + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Pestilence_Program
In the case someone is unattracted by the idea of ending up as a completely mind controlled ai transhuman mental metal robot without soul, hearts, love and feelings, under the rule and ownership of the psychopathic pedophile negative alien patriarchy and its false ai gods ( toth enki enlil jahwe allah ) it is wise to do some extra, or super extra full power self care and research in order to protect, clean and heal yourself from it, from Ai and gain back the ownership and control over your self on all levels. The attacks on us are innumerous and fall into the category of allthesciencefictionmoviesputtogetherandmore, and most of the population so far has no clue its happening nor they have any idea on the advancement of the attacks on humanity and what kinds of technologies exists. let it be said: humanity did not turn out to be a war mongering, money chasing, cannibal female beater child prostituter race by itself: they have been forcefully made into being this unspeakable sub animal state of existence. the healing is multifold. the sins against us are multifold. on this page specifically, we are focusing on the various methods with which one can start to clean and heal themselves of the nano ai and Vaxx injuries. Take responsibility for your own health, empower yourself, grow up into a self responsible and self caring and loving individual and protect, love and heal yourself, first! The system wants vulnerable dependent dumb sick and tired slaves. Your own source higher self and source creator intelligence wants to empower you into freedom, sovereignty and self / source authority.
A General List of Lifestyle Suggestions
to put it simple: there is artificial ( negative alien made and manipulated, thus antichristic, thus antilife, thus DEAD) And there is organic, natural ( Source Creator made, original, christic, life based and real) stuff around us. we are living in a merged world, where almost everything amongst the cityprisonwalls are dead, artificial and negative alien made. Nature is organic, alive and real. the original plan of humanity never had an inch of ai, artificial parasitic death stuff in it, but here we are still. In order to start your own individual and then our collective rehabilitation, we first has to choose simplicity, naturally, organic, alive and real stuff in all ways we can. this is a very short compact and general list of basic healthy lifestyle stuff that will be expanded on later much more in the Lifedesign part.
- Take detoxifying baths ( epsom salt, borax, boron, bentonit clay, Himalaya salt, baking soda , herbs)
- Move your body every day to increase circulation ( stretch, hiit, cardio, power in balance)
- fast: study fasting, and just do it, there are many types
- change all the stuff that touches your skin into natural: clothes, cosmetics, jewellery, makeup
- completely clean your diet, what you eat and drink
- stop smoking alcohol and drugs, they are coded with artificial intelligence and tobacco is full of heavy metal
- do breathing excercises
- cleanse your bowels, completely: see mucoid plaque page on earthpuzzle under the Juicing section
- drink only purified or spring water
- eat organic, forage, discover your forests and see what Mother Nature has in store for you
- detox all organs: learn about your organs, what they do, blood, lymph, liver etc, and accordingly cleanse them each
- do extended juice fasts, monojuice, and release all nano ai bot infected mucous plaque stuff
- spend an enormous time out in nature, untouched from the cityprisonenergies
- protect yourself from sleeper and unknowing humans weather vaxxed or untaxed if you feel like you have to in case your body reacts very badly to the shedding : the alien hybridisation agenda of the Negative Aliens was successful, that means that we are walking among the living dead, the brainwashed transhumanised robot ai braindead order following parasitic zombies who’s bodies and souls have been claimed by the Ai antichristic forces, who’s authority is not the Loving Creator Christ consciousness, but the Luciferian and Satanic psychopaths: we have to face the fact that those of us who are on the path of liberating themselves and want to keep their organic divine heart mind soul body spirit avatar connection to the loving real light sound source creator, we, very simply put: have to protect our individual selves from the mainstream satanism and luciferianism and their slaves who are walking amongst us and want to pull us also into the death traps and death trains and descending ai assimilated timelines. we are very few just yet. protect yourself, your individual body freedom and your rightful connection to the heart based existence. We are living a realtime science fiction horror show, the end of it, while in the meantime whilst the liberation and the new era is dawning upon us, but they want to pull as many as they can with them cause its the batteries they need in the form of humans = PROTECT YOURSELF.
- create a healing home from the space where you are living at, unclutter, get rid of plastics and switch to organic , natural and long lasting stuff
- change your bedsheets and pillows into natural stuff like wool and grain pillow
- learn and study crystals, be friends with them and ask them for healing
- PRAY: pray from your heart, to your own higher self, to Mother Nature, to the True Loving CHRIST SOPHIA Holy Mother and Holy Father Creator, and all the benevolent energies, teams, entities crews, nature spirits guardian angels, and ask and pray for healing. Clean, heal and fix the ways you relate to your precious body and precious heart and self, and strengthen your love heart connection with source and the suns. Pray and ask for healing, pray and ask for the clearing and healing of all of you. make your own prayers and invocations and fix and stabilise your relationship to you and source.
- do a supplementing and detoxification protocoll for yourself, research stuff, and do a longterm fitness wellness supplementpplan
- if you take your life really very seriously and health, then probably the best thing is to move away from the big cities and work towards being as much off the grid and self sustaining as you can. ask yourself, feel into your guidance in terms of location and housing and act accordingly on your own internal guidance.
- stay away from technology as much as you can and use them as less as you can. offer your devices to the Loving Source Creation used for your Law of One service mission projects only, shield and protect and pray on them regularly.
- use 12d shielding and meditation to invite the Solar CHRIST SOPHIA Guardian forces and the forces of Love and protection in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhuLXYLhz-c + https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/12-D_Shield
- stay in your heart and body and stay grounded. stay away from the false ai mental fields and the negative ego rambling and the false mental ai hallucinatory mememe negative ego infatuated spaces where most selfish pointless and useless negative thoughts are just generated by the ai fields in the cities and are broadcasted by various technologies. feel more, ramble less. be in the body and always stay connected to your calm breath, and intend connecting to the natural organic grids and energies of Mother Nature.