Voice of Gaia Blog

In this blog series, I will be giving a Voice to Mother Nature and Her Kingdoms, cause many do not hear Her and Them, yet, crystal clearly. Mother Nature and Her Kingdoms have A LOT TO SAY to us, and they NEED and WANT and RIGHTEOUSLY DEMAND all of us, to CHANGE. The Negative Alien Patriarchy Invaded Goddess Gaia and Her Original Divine Children have been forced to live in a Mother Killer and hater unnatural way for eons, held captive in the Technological City Prisons, consuming and creating death and harming everyone and everything every day in their lives. We cannot do and exist the way we have been and were forced to be. We have to ask for sorry, for forgiveness, burn our false paraistic narcissistic ego, learn humility and humbleness and gratitude towards our Life Giver Genious Beautiufl Mother and change our lifestyle as much as we can so we add to the lifeside and also be example for others. In this blog, besides giving a voice to Her and Them, I will share practical and useful ecological , ecoconscious and REAL GREENLIFE everyday tips and practices and also give crucial deep psychological dot connection understanding and motivation background to make your process of letting go of the attachment to the consumer death culture, self and planet harming, self and planet killing patterns, more easily.