SOLUTIONS: The free world physicalised
We, simle gentle loving kind hearted souls, sentient beings, we all want the same things in general: We just want a simple, humble, peaceful, diligent, creative, undisturbed life, where we can work on our soulpurpose, enjoy life on earth, love ourselves, our families, friends, experience love with a partner, or the children stuff, and just: simply: be. without hurting others, or being hurt. It’s so simple. Most of us are not narcissistic psychopaths wanting to rule others or have an insatiable need to control, kill, massacre, rape, eat till there’s nothing left: very little is enough for most of us. Cause we are originally good. Still: it seems like life on planet earth just cannot be as undisturbed and free from this negative alien patriarchal warring hell as we would like it to be? Why? because of the negative alien ai patriarchy invasion, who have installed a way of being, a software on human minds, that is completely alien to them. So, here we are with our souls and hearts screaming and burning pains and desires. We all want the same. Still, we cannot manifest it. I will tell you why. Also: in theory, in picture, on the mental levels, we can all dream perfection and a world peace way of living based on world humanism, freedom happiness and truth. Bringing it down , embodying, physicalising, living it in a way that you actually manifest this into physical 3d reality is a different thing. The Solutions area will be just this. Suggestions and Solutions on a very grounded, very everyday and very practical level, that each one of us can apply. This whole thing is an inside job. And its responsibility is in all of us. In the era of collective awakening, the era of the Return of the Cosmic Mother, the Embodiment and the Second Coming of the CHRIST SOPHIA Consciousness on the collective level means:
big time. and on all levels.
It means: change, transformation, CLEANING, healing, facing, transmuting, evolving, destroying somethings, building others. It means solutions, and REAL solutions. Solutions from a universal level of perspective. We have and almost endless amount of overwhelming area to change heal purify and clean up, and we have millions of broken and sick human minds hearts and bodies, as well as the pollution and scars of Mother Nature, the blood of the zillions of animals massacred. This beautiful body of the Goddess needs to be cleansed and healed, with all her sacred and beautiful sentient beings on it.