The Children Topic

This is THE TABOO topic. 

This is THE topic, that everyone is running from, because it is not only painful, but dangerous as well. This is it. This. The topic of children. This is the most painful to digest, and this is the most important to shine a complete light on. This is the Heavy duty topic, one, that one has to be prepared and stabilised before even looking into this. This is where I have to give a warning, that only start looking into this, if you are strong and stable enough. Both the outside physical children both the inner energetic children of all adults are targeted. One has to have a strong and stable mind and a healed and protected inner child, in order to start to deal with this. For those, let it be enough: children are hurt. For those, who want to further help with the healing of this phenomena by shining their light of consciousness into this dark part of existence, look into this later.