The Solar Sophia Christ Female

Solar Sophianic Christ Females are the original design and intention for Human Females and the Female side of Existence. In this branch we discover what the AI Lunar Lilith programming ( the Anti Female ai supercomputer masking as todays synthetic female programming)  is, study the anti female synthetic behaviours and programming and discover and rehabilitate ourselves back into the organic and original solar heartbased femaleness. This is the Female Rehabilitation part. Every topic I am touching and will be touching on these sub branches of the main Tree, are years if not lifetime long subjects in and of itself. One enormous one of this being: the REAL original Divine Feminine Solar Sophianic Christ concsiousness. What it is. where have it been? What has been done to females and the female psyche and consciousness on this planet, both in the individual as well as the collective multidimensional fields and grids is such a deep catastrophic hellhole, that grasping the entirety of the levels of torture, reversion and inversion and suppression and brutalising, that grasping, overseeing, understanding the entire list of the methods with which females have been criminally brutalised in all of their dimensions and forms and levels, is a kind of monumentality, that females need very serious, stable and professional support to even start to look at it, otherwise there is a very, very probable chance of complete and final mental collapse and fracture. this is why I will be having my ( our) own Solar Sophia Circle, that is a separate circle and safe haven just for females only. not all females. for the Solar Sophia females only. I am aware on how females are infiltrated with the lunar ai antifemale and antichristic demonic forces ( dark mother supercomputer) and here, we will have nothing to do with them. I am specifically here for the innocent, heart based, angelic, real feeling good female, the kind of female spark and essence that is the main prize in the game, the one that has been tortured, hunted down, and silenced for eons: The Solar Sophia Circle is simply: for the daughters of Sophia. the Daughters of the sun. as for the lunar vampire anti female bitches: we just patiently let them burn while we are standing in the fire, BEING the fire itself. Most of the divine feminine modalities, female circles that are sprouting up in the easy to access and digest mainstream spheres are professionally, pre-plannedly generated by the same negative alien lunar mysogynistic negative alien patriarchal forces that are behind the entire psycho prison system at the first place. I will bring up specific case studies and have material on them under the decoding part as well. sad, but true. The female circle I will be presenting is of a different caliber entirely, both in content, quality, and the scope of the level of the knowledge and perspectives that will be presented in there. One of the main area of expertise will be the understanding and dissecting of the CIA MK ULTRA monarch beta sex kitten mind control programming that has been done to planet Earths females for thousands of years, thus: focus is psychic self defense and healing on all levels, as well as understanding, decoding professional, unbelievably advanced and sophisticated mind control . PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE is the name of the game, and developing the innate, long time dormant female spiritual skills like HSP or intuition. Besides my overall, all encompassing main mission for this lifetime and area of expertise ( understanding the big picture and helping in the liberation of humanity in general), my MAIN SUB-area of expertise, the area in which I am mostly and very, very deeply trained, my main area of research and study is this: what is being done to females especially = the female mind control.