Mucoid Plaque Removal
What is Mucoid Plaque?
Have you ever seen a clogged kitchen sink pipe? You know that black hardened yucky stinky oily gooey thingy that Is inside the pipes and tubes? Well, the exact same thing is in most peoples intestines. Actually, what is in their intestines, is WORSE. The kitchen sink crap is normally there for 1-2-3-4 year periods, or less, but what’s in the belly is there for 10-20-30+ years. YES. Its there. Before any of you would start their typical and predictable ( although completely pointless, infantile and, let’s admit it: DUMB) rounds of denial, hear what I am saying now. YES: it exists. Humanity in general, who has been kept in a state of a 5-9 year old kid for thousands of years, has the tendency to DENY . Just deny anything. It has its reasons of course that I will expand on later in this guide. But, the point is: YES, it exists, and I am about to move mine out. It might not be in everyone, especially if one has been eating super healthy in their entire life or has an ascended master avatar state of mind and god body, but, for most of the humans, especially those, who live in the cities, the usual ,westerners, who have consumed processed store bought poisonous stuff in their entire life from day 0 ( 1 year old children are already being stuffed with bread cheese and other cooked stuff by their unknowing parents in general) , so, a random human on earth today above 20+, 30+, most probably have this black chunky thing sitting in their bellies. So: Mucoid Plaque shortly is: the accumulated residue material, stuff that got stored in the stomach that your body couldn’t digest, couldn’t handle, and all kinds of parasites, funghy and plaque and biofilm that has been developed by the body in order to protect itself from cooked and poisoned processed foods. The body produced mucus when being hurt in order to protect and heal itself. Most stuff humans consume on earth today is PURE POISON, so, maddeningly, it’s just normal for the body to produce this mucus stuff to protect itself. So, this MP ( mucoid plaque) is basically a chunk of hardened blackened poison , killing you slowly ( or fast) from the inside.
How do you remove it?
There is a certain set of juices, supplements and enzimes to be consumed till it leaves the body. Several people is already doing mentoring and coaching on it, and now that I discovered this, I decided: im gonna do this. I mean,I will incorporate juicementoring, detoxmentoring into my holistic health palette, so I will be actually running a group and providing guides and informations specifically for this, for Juicing, detoxing and Mucoid plaque mentoring. But for now, I am in my own process, so, I gotta do my own stuff first, so that later I can help others. You can check out the process under the 90 day Juicefast page on the website.