Decoding Black Magic Languages
First, this is going to be a lot, very far stretched for most of you, but this is true. This is one of those bigger, eons old behemoth false belief system sets ( = lies) that is really, really big, and deeply ingrained in all earth habitants for thousands of years. Still: what I am saying: is true. Here we will understand more about gematria, what happened with the stealing of semantics, scrambling of the alphabet and manipulating the letters, words, and speech in general.
All languages are Negative Alien Patriarchal Technological Code Languages. Here, we will build a dictionary solving the language puzzle with some starter helper outside sourced materials that helped me start with it too. as of today, I am decoding Hungarian and English just as a side hobby while existing, and I hope to share this ,game’ with others later too and build the decoding dictionary together.