My 90 DAY JuiceFast + Mucoid Plaque Removal Journey
is the process of drinking only juice ( not smoothie! there’s no fibres here) for an extended period of time. about this, see the juicing section part.
Mucoid Plaque Removal
is the process of getting rid of the mucus, the accumulated biofilm that is stuck in your intestines cause of all the poisonous artificial plastic crap you have been fed / force-fed / or willingly eaten ever since you have been born. This 90 days is specifically for removing MP, of which you can read more in the MPR section on the website here, coming soon.
90 days Journey
My first extended fast will be 90 days, minimum cause of several reasons. The next will be longer. But first, let’s get this done. I will document and share it in various ways and formats. On my YouTube channel I will upload the weekly and monthly reports, the before and the after. Here, I will add a daily text+photo short journal as well. 🙂
Day 0
I said my goodbye to food with eating my favourite Indian dish today ( paneer makhanawalla with garlic naan) and padthai as well with cashews and bamboo. All cooked food. All delicious. All is killing me, you and the planet. And I gotta say goodbye to them In order to Resurrect myself and get the MP out of me and more. I am being prepared for the next phase ( 5th ) of my life, going through a Full Rebirth in order to fulfil my task and role for which I was sent here to planet Earth at this time of history. I am here to bring in Full Disclosure , and I am here to destroy the old Negative Alien Patriarchal System in all of its forms, to help Liberate Humanity and Bring in the Holy Mother Sacred Solar Sophia Christ Embodied Era on the Planet. I have been prepared and trained silently in the background up until now by the Kryst Guardian Creator forces. Now, it is time for me to step forward, go public, and tell humanity the Truth, as it Is, Objectively: The Truth of the World, The Real History and Origins of Humanity and the Truth of Who is Who, What is What, and make Order Based on Natural Law. This is the time when I am publishing my website, my projects as well as starting the Big Detox and the Big Rebirth. It’s all happening together, my rebirth and cleanse in the micro , and the rebirth and cleanse of the macro. In this 90 day journey, I will share my experience of the juice fast, the mucoid plaque removal, also what I am going through personally, as well as starting to connect some dots when it comes to the world around us.
1st week

Getup: 9am. Very bad.
Drinks: 3 litres of pineapple, apple, cucumber, lemon and ginger juice. ( + hot chocolate. Shouldntve)
Workout: x km biking + 60pushup + 3minplank + 30min HIIT
AMroutine: done, minus drawing and hooping
PMroutine: done, minus Ecoprinting
Earthpuzzle: learning content sharing
Pantherstuff: 0
InnerchildFun: 0
Study: business and content
Bodylove: riceflour+oliveoil facemask
Earthlove: usual: working for her.
HOW I AM:super annoyed. I have been trying to do this 90 day juice, always failed, I really just wanna get this done. Now that I wanna become a juice coach too, I just gotta pull this off.
THOUGHTS: todays coaches are not coaches really. if someone does not know the full universal-galactic gameboard, big picture and history, you cannot really help another. you can only help them become a better coping slave only.
Join my Soulpurpose based Holistic Health + Detox group and resurrect yourself into Life and Sovereignty: coming soon.stay tuned.
day 2

Getup: 8am. Bad.
Drinks: 3 litres of cucumber pineapple apple lemon ginger juice. ( hot chocolate. Shouldntve)
Workout: 3minplank, 60pushup, stretching, 24km biking.
AM routine: done except drawing
PM routine: done, except hooping and Ecoprinting
Earthpuzzle: studying the business stuff, writing blogs
Pantherstuff: 0
InnerchildFun: blog writing
Study: business
Bodylove: facemask
How I am: overwhelmed. After being an hermit and studying the global to universal levels of our realities, now I am put down back into Earth and 3d, I actually gotta learn how to package my knowledge and share it with other earth humans. I know what I want to share. I just am still figuring out the how. This online business building is a completely different area, and I gotta grow new neuron pathways in my brain as well as have a strong stomach cause I clearly see the utter insanity of this whole thing called business and money on earth atm. Still, this is what I have to do to spread my info,so this is what I will do.
Thoughts: if insanity and psychosis is normalised for a long time by a large number of people, like it is on current planet Earth, then that insanity will be just that: normal. So all humans eat and do today is widely accepted and thought as: normal: while it is everything but.

Getup: 7:30. Still bad. Goal is 5am. After I get the instestinemonster out, ill get to it.
Drinks: apple, cucumber, pineapple, grape juices. + hotchocolate I shouldntve.
Workout: 24km biking + basic ( plank + pushup ) + 30HIIT + stretch
AM routine: Neiy, face yoga and brushing my hair only :((
PM routine: yess!! -minus Pantherstuff and hoop
Earthpuzzle: studying content
Pantherstuff: 0 🙁
InnerchildFun: drawing
Study: business
Bodylove: facemark ( didn’t do it the days before. NOW: riceflour+honey+oliveoil.
MYDIARY:How I am: determined. Now that I am 2 weeks in to studying this online business stuff all the time, im starting to get excited for it, not repelled. ( I am still repelled by the entire system, but i NEED to share my knowledge somehow, so I MUST do it. Being an hermit praying on a mountain for the salvation of humanity is just not enough for me this lifetime) I almost opened a can of peas when I felt this freaking ai sucking my life-force while working on it but stopped the rush, and drank juice instead. The first days are the hardest. I am not hungry. AT ALL. Love and light is my nutrition. It’s those little bastards in my belly ( funghy and parasites) that want to eat, and the parasitic AI. But this time: im evacuating EVERYTHING out of me. Tomorrow I am adding more little habits to my life. I cuddled with Sophie for 30 minutes straight today: I was in Cat-Heaven.

Getup: 7. Still bad.
Drinks: pineapple, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger. ( had 5-6 spoonful of solid cooked vegan food, regretted it, and just went on my fast. Sticking with juicing)
Workout: basic ( plank + pushup + sun salutes ) + 24kmbiking + stretch
AM routine: done except drawing and content
PM routine: done except ecoprint and hoop
Earthpuzzle: contentcreationstudy
Pantherstuff: 0 🙁
InnerchildFun: 0 🙁
Study: content+business
Bodylove: face+hairmask / feet hand face self massage
MYDIARY:How I am: hellish. I messed up some things at work that cost me loosing money. Even though it wasnt that much it still was hellish cause I worked for it a lot. The pain of money is just about unbearable. For everyone. This is one trait of the planetary prison matrix. MON-EYE. One Eye. I’ll talk about this on Earthpuzzle.hu a lot. The planetary control system. Anyways. Spiritual awakening + societal programming + full heart and soul embodiment often brings on a complete uninterest in materials. For a while at least. Now that my hermit monk phase is over, now it’s CEO time for me that requires me building an entire new way of brain and being. My clear intention is to AWAKEN and LIBERATE with every product, content, event, service I offer to humanity: so my projects and businesses are moreso: humanitarian endeavours. Soulprojects with intentional value system and a message of Truth. Juicing helps me liberate energy so that I can focus on my new studies and todo lists that are hard enough, without my body having to deal with all the crap that’s in it. Regardless: I still do hate the entire thing and I want full liberation to happen as soon as possible.

Getup: 7:30ish
Drinks: appleginger + tomaatje
Workout: biking basic stretch
AM routine: done
PM routine: 0
Earthpuzzle: study
Pantherstuff: study
InnerchildFun: drawing stickers
Study: content business
Bodylove: faceyoga
Feelings: traveling to birthtown. Its always. Shock. Living on this planet in city prisons amongst dead slaves is a constant shock. That’s why I am aiming toward a hermit hut in the forest life relentlessly. I need NOTHING of this Psychopatic bullshit. Almost nothing. Warmth and internet. That’s it. Looking at the dead zombi half humans on the train: the way they look and feel and smell: just made my determination even stronger in juicing / detoxing / resurrectiing myself. Hungarians are so freaking unhealthy and disgusting most of them, cause of galactic history and living under the empire of evil, that is really shows on them. They look like evil dumb bumps, most of them. Truly a slave class. Disgusting. Not judging them. They are the effect of the causation of the antichristic evil ruling on them.
Thoughts: juicing and detox is resurrection into truth life and beauty. Every Day I feel better, more healthy, more clean. I really can’t wait for my intestines to get clean so I will get hydrated finally, and my body enlightened. I want to cleanse myself from all the Luciferian crap I ingested in all levels since I was born. I want to reborn, rebirth and resurrect into my true self. Asap.

Getup. 10am. Huge lol. Still aiming for 5am.
Drinks: tomato and applegingerjuice
Workout: 30min hitt + mybasic + stretch
AM routine: notarially. Travelled to hometown.
PM routine: sort of.
Earthpuzzle: businessstudy
Pantherstuff: same
InnerchildFun: drawing stickers
Study: business content
Bodylove: faceyogamassage
Feelings: spent time with biological family. Not gonna comment of it, I gotta spare my energy. I am over of the stage that I would have any desire or effort to chang them. I am purely focused on creating my own freedom so I can live alone in the forest with nature and animals only, maintaining relation with 3d present day humanity only online, and only with those who are save to my health and sanity: those that wish to awaken and heal. The rest: the dead crazy dead zombies: I want to get as far away from as possible. I am basically in a running away stage now.
Thoughts: death is comfortable for the slaves. Death and comfort being one and the same. Humanity is dead without them knowing. They are dead and evil because the technologiical patriarchal entities are dead and evil and humanity is their captive. The masters hate the slaves they are feeding off of so they are poisoning the slaves in all ways with they can. One of the main way of poisoning the slaves is the anti-food they give in the name of food. The only real food creator goddess god ever designed for us is sunlight, love, energy, and if that’s not enough, then: living alive life-force filled raw veggies fruites herbs and nuts. That’s it. That’s life. All the rest that’s available in the prison cities are: slow kill poisons for the slaves.

Getup: 8:00
Drinks: tomato, apple and pomegranate juice
Workout: 0. Cleaning.
AM routine: 0.
PM routine: faceyoga.
Earthpuzzle: preparation
Pantherstuff: preparation
InnerchildFun: drawing
Study: content and business
Bodylove: faceyoga
MYDIARY:Feelings: usual sadness and anger at the present state of the world specifically the present state of Hungarians. These people have a special hell here, and what they are like and what they present with their programming from their masters and handler is a different level and psychosis than the rest. Thoughts: food is a control method. todays artificial stuff consumed as food is a control method that is undeniable. It is impossible and primitive to deny that there is a well thought out and intentional poisoning of humanity through all the processed crap that is out there. How pathetic and sad it is to kill Mother Nature and kill entire forests so just that an evil company can force feed city prisoner humans to make them eat chocolate for example. The entire reality here is so psychotic that most humans need help to go through the facing of the depths of hell that is absolutely everywhere around them. This s why I am launching my groups ( coming soon) to support others in their awakening journey.
Week 1 video summary

Getup 8:30
Drinks: cucumber lettuce pineapple apple lemon ginger juice
Workout: 30km biking, 30min HIIT,
AM routine: yes
PM routine: yes
Earthpuzzle: preparation
Pantherstuff: preparation
InnerchildFun: drawing
Study: content + business
Bodylove: faceyoga + hand foot arm massage
Feelings: I am very determined to do the whole thing. I already am missing pumpkin soup and I want the warmth. Everyday I like and respect myself more cause of the discipline. It’s a good feeling. I am craving the big purification cause I need to erase and cleanse and vomit the past 36 years out of me, all the things I’ve experienced in the cityprisonts amongst the crazy sleepers. I am disgusted by present day Tothian Enki ruled Annunaki Negative Alien Hungarians, they are FILTH and Antichrist embodied. disgust is the strongest feeling I feel. I am disgusted by this immoral, egotistic narcissistic Psychopatic mainstream Luciferian and satanist programmed captured humanity.
Thoughts: todays captured programmed slave humans just make each other sick and a sleeper is dangerous to an awakening and freeing human. Yogis have fled the cities for a reason. Awakening people go hermit for a reason and go rural and countryside for a reason. cities are hells with deads and most cannot be saved. This took me a lot of painful lessons way too long time to learn .
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14