Are various smaller branches of the Great Earthpuzzle Tree, where each topic is an entire field of study and subphilosophy area. Besides the main monthly podcast, that will touch various areas, ( while dedicating one big monthly podcast to each of the topics each first as sort of a starter, and introducer to a specific sub topic: meaning: i will have a monthly big podcast theme about the voice of gaia, the children, an introductory, topic blog series starter podcast sort of) i will have smaller, littler, shorter blog entries, abd more regular ones, each topic/ branch will be a collecting sphere of that specific topic, ( like a folder: in which you can throw in related articles, case studies, pictures, videos) that will grow gradually with time. Later , other team members can also add to these topics any relevant, truthful and useful information freelybased on their own perinal experiences, wisdoms ahd pearls of truths or case studies. 🙂