The Small Story of My gardening

I have been gardening since 2020, and having my first more serious, bigger scale garden on my terrace in 2021. I am very fortunate to have the ability to do so and i am very grateful for it. Since i am planning on having my own little land and growing my own stuff for greenjuices and such, i am already preparing while having a little terrace only with learning gardening and gardening hacks every year. This is something i cant wait to do every year, and every year i focus on something else, learn something new, and develop my little garden. I have been taking photos of it since 2021, and now from year 5 ( 2025) i am gonna document it in a mini blog series, just the entire journey and later will publish a tiny gardening tips ebook too. In year 2023, i had an amazing success with cucumbers, and i realised how much i just love cucumbers and i love everything about them. By now, i already have a mini section where i grow dyeing and printing flowers, so i actually have my small Natural Dye Garden by now, and i just absolutely love it. This year i am planning to really, really prioritize the garden, and how i treat it, how much and well i care for it and i would like this year to be the best so far : )

Gardening as a Healing Cure

One thing i truly believe that every humans should do as a regular therapy, especially now where the disconnection from her is to widespread, is: Gardening. It truly is like a therapy, a cure, a magic pill, and is something that is purely addictive. It teaches so much, like it always did. Gardening is something that can heal the heart, strenghten the connection with Mother Nature and is a skill that enables someone to have more freedom, and more health.

Gardening as A basic Skill for sovereignty and health

Food is one of the main control the Negative Controllers have on Humanity as a basic standard for thousands of years. With all the poisons on a global scale, having access to organically grown and foraged healthy natural food is such a basic, and still, something that most doesnt think about or have access to. Anyone on the Life, Freedom, Liberation = the Organi Solar Heartbased Timeline of Humanity, or in other words, anyone hearing The Voice, Suggestion and Intelligence of True Source, True Mother Nature, of True Protective Love Life Intelligence, is hearing the Instruction setts to start to really seriously think and care about your nutrition and to secure yourself healthy, organic, natural, true food. Gardening and Foraging thus, sort of a must.

Voice of Gaia

Mother Gaia, Mother Nature wants us to Garden, Forage, and Go back in to her woods. She wants us back from the False Ai Father and False Ai Mother City Prison systems. She wants us to wake up, grow up, get our sovereingty and intelligence back, and us to step into our True Original Organic Divinely Intended Role, we were supposed to have on This Beautiful Earth: to be the Guardian Protectors of her. But, Negative Alien Invasion Happened, the children of Gaia got stolen and stuffed into the technological military cityprisons, and humans become like their invadors are: narcissistic egotistic psychopathic consumer dead parasites. When one truly awakens and returns back to Source, Nature, then she will heal, clean teach, train and resurrect us into life. Only then we will see how dead and antichristic, antinatural, antifemale unknowing dead slaves we were till then, even without it being our faults. We were really stolen from Her, for thousands of years. We need to get back to Her and start to protect her, because she is, the Real True Mother of us.