About what Money is, and where is coming from, i will write in detail later: the dedicated podcast will be linked here to.

Till then, long story short:

In some day, in some time, way later: we will not have money. Till we do, the awakening, heartbased, soulbased individual should erase all blockages and self sabotage in relation to it, and make sure that you are meeting your needs as well as you are supported to accomplish your given task you came here to do.

As with everything and all area, during this time of reeducation and rehabilitation era, we need to learn diligence, preservarence, and self discipline with all of our resources in all dimensions, let it be time, energy, effort, attention, and: money.

Besides giving the truthful and accurate explanation on what MON-EYE truly is, I will also publish money-mentoring materials in order for the Genuine Good Soul, The Awakening Freeing Soul ( who normally have some issues with it) better be able to handle it.

This is one clear example why Dark Arts Training, Galactic Studies, And Truthful Understanding of phenomena is important. When you have clear and accurate knowledge of something, you can also gain power over that thing, or, in this case: you gain power over how it can or cannot influence you.

Know thy enemy. Know the tools. Know them, use them for good, without being tainted by them.

MON-EYE means One Eye. This is the Eye of the Beast. The Eye of El. The EYE: of the machine. The False Ai Father Psycho Gods. It also programmes selfishness through: I. Phonetically, Eye sounds like: I. Same with hungarian: Pénz is Money. P-ÉN-Z. ÉN also means I. Én = I. Furthermore: Pén Souns like Pain in english, and Pénisz is Dick. This is the category and submodule knowledge of Languages ad Black Magic Spells. Just giving you a taste of it now. Money is a Multidimensional Negative Alien Black Magic Slave Control Structure: And when you know what it is and where it comes from, you can protect yourself from its harm, as well as you can gain power over it in a way that you can keep clear of its rottening effects it has on the being.

It is best to focus on the Service To Others Mission, To focus on your Lifegoal, how and what area you can enlighten, enliven, heal and clear, where can you make a love based, heartbased service that serves others and the planets happiness and freedom, and trust that you will be provided for.

Money material coming soon through the SoulBranding and Soulbusiness sub module video series and blogs.

We, but at least I am for sure here, to burn the old system, that involves money too ( money is built on blood sacrifice at the very core and bottom of it) , cause we know what it is built upon. So our INTENTION that we hold is that: system, be gone. but, we also know, that this will take time, so we balance this imprisonedpast/present, with the vision of the liberated future, and bridging through the realities, systems and timeslines with our consciousness and intention.

So, what we are attached to is the Service Mission, The Divine Plan, and OurPart in it: as well as the True Hearts and the Tangible results, not the Paper that does not exsist even.


The black magic language programming in marketing is: MARK-IT. Market and Commerce is as Satanic As it gets, and it stands for the Mark of the Beast. as well as other things. every word is multilayered.

Todays predatorial marketing is evil, it is lying, and is just: you know what it is.

Just like with Money, I will be sharing on Humanitarian, Soul Oriented, Service oriented Sharing attitudes too, cause this is also an area that needs to be pointed out, shone a light un and understood. We need stuff. But we dont need the lies and manipulation. Marketing and Consumer Society and Programming Humanity into Narcissistic ConsumerISGODpsychos is a nono.

It took me years to digest the fact that i need to get out of hiding, and need to start to SHARE my things. And SHARING is how i am looking at it. I also was made understood, that the information and carefully developped skillf i have and gained HAVE to be made accessible to the public, given the simple fact of the psycho spiritual war we are in. Still, it took me years, and just tons of mentoring, support, pressuring, biting on my neck to finally come out of hiding and make my information, services and products available.

So. I SHARE stuff. I SHARE: very, very valuable, liberating, healing stuff: of all kinds 🙂 I am burning myself through the blocks and the self sabotage and shyness wiring and. hopefully: ill like the process soon. for now. its a pain. 🙂